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The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola 



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Please scroll down to view our 10:30am Sunday Mass


A Warm Welcome is extended to all who have come to Saint Ignatius and to the Chapel of Saint Ann to join together in this community of worship and praise to Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful parishioners who come to our church every weekend. Also, we welcome our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally and want them to know they are always welcome.
St. Ignatius Church was established in 1885 for Irish Immigrants who settled in what is now Pringle. St. Hedwig's Church (Polish) was established in 1901 and St. Mary's Annunciation church (Lithuanian) was established in 1902. These three were consolidated into St. Ignatius Loyola Parish in 2007-2009. This blending has brought a new awareness of ethnic customs and spirituality. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish remains committed to exemplifying a contemporary approach to Church. It is active in liturgy, social outreach, cultural exchange, and spirituality. In line with diocesan guidelines, the Parish Pastoral Council continues to form a plan based on the areas of Word, Worship, Community, and Service, as put forth by Bishop Joseph Bambera in his pastoral letter, Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered. 

Based on the Bishop's pastoral, Wounded and Loved, Regathering the Scattered, the ministries of the parish can be structured around Word, Worship, Community and Service and implemented by Servant Leadership.

Monsignor David L. Tressler – Pastor
Reverend Paul Yeboah - Assistant Pastor
Deacon Gerard Pernot - Deacon

Katherine Santarpia  - Notre Dame Echo Intern

Phone 570-288-6446

Live stream Eucharist at 10:30am.

Sunday, February 9, 2025​

Sunday Mass Schedule:
at St. Ignatius Parish
4:00PM on Saturday
7:00AM, 10:30AM on Sunday
Live-streaming of Sunday Mass will be at 10:30AM 


Sunday Mass Schedule:
at Holy Family Parish

574 Bennett Street, Luzerne
(1.8 miles away)

5:15PM on Saturday
9:00AM on Sunday


Daily Mass Schedule:
7:30AM Monday through Friday at St. Ignatius Parish
12:10PM Monday through Friday at Holy Family Parish


Confession Schedule:
12 Noon on Saturday
at St. Ignatius Church
4:45-5:00pm on Saturday
at Holy Family Church

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Let us work as if success depended upon ourselves alone, but with heartfelt conviction that we are doing nothing, and God everything                                                 ~  Ignatius Loyola ~


©2025 The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola

Phone 570-288-6446

339 North Maple Ave.
Kingston, Pa. 18704

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