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The Scranton Diocese defines the parish finance council as a consultative body of laypersons established to advise the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. Council is composed of the Pastor as president and no less than three reputable and practicing members of the parish who are knowledgeable and skilled in financial matters. Members are appointed by the Pastor and new members are to be appointed in consultation with current council members. The parish bookkeeper/business manager cannot be a member of the council but may attend meetings to provide financial information and respond to questions. Members cannot be related to the pastor or any associate priests assigned to the parish. Membership is for three years but can be extended to additional terms. Council consists of a chairperson, appointed by the pastor, a secretary and general members. Council is to meet at a minimum of three times per year. The council currently meets quarterly. Major duties of the council include review of annual budget, submission of annual report to Diocese, review of bank accounts, fund raising efforts, financing for church maintenance and repairs and general review of accounting practices on a regular basis to ensure safeguarding parish finances.


Current council members are:

Msgr. David Tressler, President

Jennifer Deemer
Patrick Endler
Paul Keating
Maria Scappaticci
Brian Thomas


©2025 The Church of St. Ignatius Loyola

Phone 570-288-6446

339 North Maple Ave.
Kingston, Pa. 18704

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