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The Community Coordinating team or Community Commission establishes avenues to communicate St. Ignatius Loyola Church activities and events to encourage active participation and to extend hospitality to all. Their four major goals include:
" Communication
" Hospitality
" Engaging the parish and the community
" Creating an optimal physical space

The Community Coordinating team:
" publishes the SIL Parish Life newsletter on a quarterly basis
" established a Facebook and Twitter account as well as a ministry welcome brochure
" updated the Ministries Guide to be available to all new parishioners and to those receiving the sacraments.
" hosts the New Parishioner/Newly Baptized/Newlyweds brunch twice a year
" provides updates to our Website via our Webmaster


2020-2022 Members: Kristen Billek Boyle, Terri Bunton, Maria Edmunds, Steve Ellis, Maureen Finnerty, 

Mary Hosey (Secretary), Molly Kachmar, Sally McGinley, Helen O'Brien (Chair), Roseann O'Connor,

Harrison Rapp, Mary Stchur Mike Stretanski, and Mary Ann Urbanski.




The Service Coordinating Team promotes and supports service as a vital form of St. Ignatius's outreach into the broader community. We work to facilitate, coordinate, and enhance the already active and well-established service initiatives and organizations operating within the parish, and we strive to identify and create new service opportunities for parishioners. The central goals of the Service Coordinating Team are to develop awareness within the parish regarding pressing social justice needs, both locally and globally, and to foster sustainable volunteerism among parishioners to support and invigorate service ministries and programs at St. Ignatius-and beyond.
Members of the Service Coordinating Team include: Steve Durk, Jane Girvan, Tom Hamill, Pat Kupetz, Mary McGinley, Kim McNulty, Deacon Gerard Pernot, Tom Scappaticci, Mike Stretanski, and Bob Tuttle.

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